
Filip Tronarp is a associate Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences at Lund University with WASP (Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program). He has previously worked as a post-docoral researcher with the Methods of Machine Learning group at University of Tübingen (2020 - 2023).

He received his Doctor of Science (tech) degree in Automation, Systems and Control Engineering from Aalto University in 2020 and his Master of Science degree in Engineering Mathematics from Lund University in 2016. His research interest pertains to modelling and inference in stochastic systems, and applications thereof.

Research agenda

My research agenda broadly falls under the category of statistical machine learning, with a clear focus on dynamical systems. Here are some of the topics I am currently examining:

  • Model non-parametrics for dynamical systems.

  • Approximate inference in high-dimensional systems.

  • Numerical algorithms for state estimation.

  • Probabilistic numerics.

Current PhD students

  • Sofia Kockum

  • Rahul Manavalan