Curriculum Vitae (abridged)
Academic Degrees
Doctor of Science (tech) in Automation, Systems and Control Engineering, Aalto University, Finland, 2020.
Master of Science in Engineering, Engineering Mathematics, Lund University, Sweden, 2016.
Academic positions
Associate Senior Lecturer (Assistant professor) with the Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Lund University, since April 2023.
Postdoctoral researcher with the Department of Computer Science, University of Tübingen, February 2020 through February 2023.
Doctoral candidate with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Aalto University, June 2016 through January 2020.
Research assistant with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Aalto University, January 2016 through May 2016.
Teaching assistant with the Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Lund University, on a course by course basis, September 2014 through October 2015.
Software developer at Ericcson AB, Linköping, Sweden, June 10 2013 through August 23 2013.
Lecturer, developer, and examiner, Time Series (second cycle, 6 ECTS), University of Tübingen.
Teaching assistant
Non-linear Filtering and Parameter Estimation, Basics of Sensor Fusion, at Aalto University.
Valuation of Derivative Assets, Markov processes, Stationary Stochastic Processes, Mathematical Statistics, at Lund University.
Thesis supervision and examination
Thesis supervison
Rahul Manavalan, PhD candidate at Lund University (on-going).
Sofia Kockum, PhD candidate at Lund University (on-going).
Nathanael Bosch, PhD candidate at University of Tübingen.
Jonathan Schmidt, PhD candidate at University of Tübingen.
Daniel Stenson, Using Social Media and Predicted Personalities to Anticipate Startup Success, MSc at Lund University.
Dingling Yao, Uncertainty Propagation in Probabilistic Ordinary Differential Equation Solvers, MSc at University of Tübingen.
Lingying Jiang, Implementation of a GPU-Based Kalman Filter in CUDA, MSc at Aalto University.
Siyi Zheng, Developing a Cloud-based Solution for Cardiographic Data Collection and Processing, MSc at Aalto University.
Caspar Lenner and Willem Berner, ARMAX-model for prediction of traded volume in cryptocurrencies, BSc at Lund University.
Samu Kallio, Mobile orientation tracking with non-linear Kalman filters, BSc at Aalto University.
Thesis examination
Lukas Andersson, Feature selection on the Nordpool energy market, MSc at Lund University.
Jonatan Persson, Robust Jump Models with Feature Selection, MSc at Lund University.
Marcus Gehrmann, Statistical reconstruction of fire spread and fire scar probability using a Discrete Markov Random Field mixture model, MSc at Lund University.